Macloskey Violet

Northern white violets
Northern white violet native

Northern White Violet

Viola macloskeyi [i]

Classified by Francis Ernest Lloyd, UK

Native to North America


Spreads by stolons and forms small colonies

Flowers tiny, easy to miss

Found growing on our wet meadow


Further reading

Ontario Wild flowers

Flora of North America

[i] Copilot

George Macloskey’s contributions to botany are highlighted by his work as a professor, where he provided valuable lectures and insights into the field. One of his notable works is the “Syllabus on botany and zoology,” which was based on his lectures and published in 18931. This syllabus likely served as an educational resource for students and other individuals interested in these scientific disciplines. His dedication to teaching and sharing knowledge has left a lasting impact, and it’s in recognition of such contributions that the epithet “macloskeyi” was given to the small white violet, Viola macloskeyi.


1. Syllabus on botany and zoology: taken from lectures of Prof. George …

2. Executive Functions-A General Overview McCloskey – miOttawa

3. Executive Capacities and Their Assessment with the McCloskey Executive …



By Joanne McKinnon

Indie author and publisher. Artist and gardener.